Wednesday, October 8, 2008


(v) smoked a cigarette--> hmm...once in full knowlege of fattuz mommy..on her roof top 3 at night..

() done some form of dope

( ) crashed a friend's car

( v) stolen a car-->hehe..yup...cousins..toy was a dare

(v) been in love -->i guess tats the problem...tat um not in love wid him...

( v) been dumped-->kinda recently..even been two-timed apne pure hosh-o-hawaaz me..

() shoplifted

() been fired

() been in a fist fight

() sneaked out of your parent's house .

(v) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back--> wat if its the other way round??

( v) gone on a blind date-->hehe...hell yess!!! april was...aaahhh!!!(:P)

(v) lied to a friend -->hihihi...lott ov them...

( v) skipped school -->thrice...jumped walls..sneaked out of the main gate even..serius fun...

( ) seen someone die

(v) had a crush on one of your internet friends--> Ahem even went beyond just a crush..did turn into a relation..n it..

() been to Singapore .

( ) been to Mexico

(v) been on a plane -->Big deal?

(v) eaten sushi And felt pukish.

( ) been skiing-snow or water

(v) met someone from the internet--> hehe...hmm april the 5th....

() been at a concert

() taken painkillers

(v) love someone or miss someone right now--> hmm..yes.a stupid idiot..

(v) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by--> too often.

() made a snow angel

(v) had a tea party-->not tea exactly..not even parddyy exactly..!!

(v) flown a kite -->Ahaan. I love it. but most of the time im there at the top i prefer BIRD-watching..taz more fun..hehe

(v) built a sand castle -wish to...

( ) gone puddle jumping

( ) played dress up-->hell..yeah!!

(v) jumped into a pile of leaves -->not leaves as such was hay..i guess sum of it has entered my empty brain now is the main ingredient inside;)

( ) gone sledding

(v) cheated while playing a game -->fair play...well wazz tat??

(v) been lonely -->prefer being lotta times...

(v) fallen asleep at work/school -->all the geography classes..all the physics ones too.. :D

() used a fake ID .

(v) watched the sun set -->deep Sigh..along wid watchn i also hav a nag of capturing it in my faltu camera..i jus love the red sky..

() watched someone sleep .

( v) felt an earthquake-->after my 12th board physics ppr..pairo tale zameen khisak gyi thi..

(v) slept beneath the stars -->n loved it

() been tickled .

(v) been robbed -->quite a lot ov times..

(v) been misunderstood -->as always...

() pet a reindeer/goat/kangaroo

(v) won a contest -->Quite. A. made john...yeee...see the pic in my side bar..yipee-wipee woo hoo!!

( ) run a red light/stop sign-->cant count the no ov times now..

( ) been suspended from school

( ) been in a car crash

( ) had braces

(v) felt like an outcast/third person-->common story..

( v) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night-->

(v) had deja vu--> Err..all the time..

(v) danced in the moonlight -->yupz..loved party nite il neva eva furget...

(v) liked the way you looked -->my first n last love - SELF-LOVE...hihi how true..!!!

( ) witnessed a crime

(v) questioned your heart -->every night..

() been obsessed with post-it notes

(v) squished mud through your bare feet ;)

(v) been lost -->most ov the times..i hav the worst direction sense u knw...:D

( ) been on the opposite side of the country

(v) swam in the ocean -->mumbai??

(v) felt like dying -->once every two hrz..

(v) cried yourself to sleep --> my blog posts..tazz the first line..many a times..

(v ) played cops and robbers-->even other foolish games..lov 'em all..

(v) recently colored with crayons--> quite a lot this month n last one..made cards for few lovely ppl..

() sang karaoke

.(v) paid for a meal with only coins -->hell...naah!! a farishta saved me frm the embaressment..(v) done something you told yourself you wouldn't -->YAESSSSSSS. is that a question? i guess tats a fact...

(v) made prank phone calls -->Fuck. hell lott..

(v) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose--> ding dong...

( ) caught a snowflake on your tongue

(v) danced in the rain --> it!in the rain walking on the road..with...^~^

(v ) a letter to Santa Claus-->i wanted a twin..was 7 tat time..i wanted sumone who cud go to skool tk my place..i dunno why..cuz now i so miss goin to skul..

( ) been kissed under the mistletoe..:D

( ) watched the sun rise with someone you care about ..

(v) blown bubbles--> last it!!

( ) made a bonfire on the beach

( ) crashed a party

( ) gone roller skating

(v) had a wish come true--> Quite a few

( ) jumped off a bridge

( ) ate dog/cat food

( ) told a complete stranger you loved them

(v) kissed a mirror--> hihi...lot many times..

(v) sang in the shower--> All the time(sang....doubtful..screamed i guess)

(v) had a dream that you married someone-->long french sir..first crush..

(v) glued your hand to something--> to sumbodys hand..3hrz of the movie..;)

(v) kissed a photo--> yes!! yess!! yess!!

() climbed a water tower

( ) screamed at the top of your lungs

( ) done a one-handed cartwheel

(v) talked on the phone for more than 5 hours--> ha had been a routine..lil time bak..longest was 10 in nite to 7 in the morning..had my chemistry board practical tat not even a word...dint even if studying helped the othr felows..impression on teachers does wonders..!!

() picked and ate an apple right off the tree

(v) climbed a tree -->peepal tree(nokia) at skul..

( ) had a tree house

(v) been too scared to watch a scary movie alone---> Forever.

( ) believe in ghosts

( v) have more than 30 pairs of shoes -->bachpan se ajtak to yes..otherwise...naah!!.

() worn a really ugly outfit to school

() gone streaking

() gone doorbell ditching

(v) been pushed into a pool/hot tub with all your clothes on-->hell 3 in the the month of january....*shivers*

( ) told you're hot by a complete stranger

(v ) broken a bone-->brotherz..playing some stupid doctors help....

() been easily amused .

( ) caught a fish then ate it

() caught a butterfly .

(v) laughed so hard you cried--> Hmmm..!

( ) cried so hard you laughed

(v) cheated on a test--> Errr..countless no of times...

(v) forgotten some one's name--> neva-eva..hav a gud memory..very gud actually

( ) French braided some one's hair

() gone skinny dipping in a pool/hot tub/river

( ) been threatened to be kicked out of your house or been kicked out of your house-->every week's dose..

(v) loved someone so much you would gladly die for THEM --> doubts abt this one..there are a few ppl in tat zone..(

( ) cheated on someone--> hell..neva..neva even will..

(v) talk to yourself when no one's around -->i do tat sumtimes even wen ppl are around..landed into embaressing situations a lotta timz!!

() hate someone you once loved

( v) love someone you once hated-->well..i kinda fall in love very esily..

(v) kissed the phone for the person on the other side ------>>yeaaaaaaah..

(v) kissed the person on the other side of the phone --->>>well....yyyyeeaaaah!!!.

phew!!! tat was longg....quite longg...though the answerz aint too funny or pun-intended..but yeah..they are true as they cud be..

\,,/ rock on!!



Anurag said...

hi........amazing stuff ..keep blogging

Priya Joyce said...

hey tat was super kewl re mastt tag tha

Nikkita mathur said...

heyaz!! thanx dor dropping by n commenting..keep cuming

Nikkita mathur said...

hey gurly!!
thanx re...that was long one though..!!
keep cuming..

gaurangi said...

talked on the phone for more than 5 hours--> ha had been a routine..lil time bak..longest was 10 in nite to 7 in the morning..had my chemistry board practical tat not even a word...dint even if studying helped the othr felows..impression on teachers does wonders..!!

impression on teachers does wonders..!!
yes it does! ....p....

a letter to Santa Claus-->i wanted a twin..was 7 tat time..i wanted sumone who cud go to skool tk my place..i dunno why..cuz now i so miss goin to skul..
awww so sweet
me too missing school

Nikkita mathur said...

i knoe skul has been my favorite hangout place for quite sometime now..i guess sakshio wud also agree to this... :(